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15 Coryell St., Seagrave, ON L0C 1G0

Letter about the Seagrave Church From Diane Barr-Knutson shared by Keith Puckrin

“A Story Of Seagrave Church”

 Going back to 1884 the name of Seagrave Circuit came into being with Bethel, Seagrave and Pleasant Point.
Bethel was first established in 1860. It was 1 1/2 miles south of Seagrave where now only the remains of a small cemetery exists. Services were carried on in Bethel church until 1912, when its members were transfered to Seagrave. Sunday School continued until 1928 when the church was closed and sold. It was at this time the circuit of Seagrave, Zion and Pleasant Point was formed.
The first Methodist Church and parsonage in Seagrave were built in 1873 on the lot now occupied by the Bruce Carr family. Unfortunately the parsonage was burned in 1892 and a new building was erected in 1893. This was built on the old site and served as the home for the ministers until 1965 when it was sold.
As the population grew, interest became keener for a larger church. Plans were started for the present church in 1906. The first sod was turned by Mr. C.W.Moon with a horse and single plow. During these years of building, hardships, hard work and a considerable amount of volunteer labour, and with perseverance of dedicated members, much was accomplished. The Ladies' Aid played a big part . Services were carried on until church union in 1925.

Diane Barr-Knutson

September 7, 1986

Thank you to Keith Puckrin for sharing his mother, Mildred Puckrin's, notes with us.

Bethel Methodist Episcopal Church
Amazing Slider

©Copyright by Seagrave United Church, Ontario, Canada.